Alternative, next generation Inheritance Smart Contract System created by Zweispace on ZWEICHAIN
Alternative, next generation Inheritance Smart Contract System is created and will be delivered to financial industry starting from Japan. The system is powered by Smart Contract System on ZWEICHAIN, a blockchain company Zweispace provides.
【信託アドバイザリーシステム ピタっと信託の画面】
Zweispace developed Trust Advisory System with legal tech partner in Japan, for financial industry. By Q&A style input, the system generates contracts meet the clients needs, and will deploy into blockchain. Most of the inhered asset involve real estate in Japan. Since ZWEISPACE operates AI real estate appraiser and AI Architect, it will provide one stop solution evaluating not just marketable securities but real estate as well. It’s partner law firms has tax lawyers who can advise not just acting as legal agent of trust contract for the clients family.
Japan has about 7 million potential clients, and number of professional capable of drafting adequate trust contracts are limited. This new system will provide solution to that situation, and also offer continuous education opportunity to legal profession, to enhance their ability on more complicated domain, and AI and blockchain experience as well. Zweispace global development team feels really happy about this solution created, and the opportunity to work with experienced practitioner in this trust, inheritance and finance domain.
The system and demonstration will be provided at Seminars for Lawyers, consulting companies host in Tokyo and major cities across Japan.